Nothing ever goes as smoothly as you want it to - in every piece of life.
My question: why do we expect it to?
If there's anything running has taught me is that there will always be some sort of adversity. Every run, every race, every workout no matter how long or short there is always a moment where you choose to persevere.
I have never been on a run of any length where there wasn't some twang of the knee, twinge in my foot, stitch in my side that was unexpected.
What is worth sharing today, is that, just like in life, there's always more to discover.
Over on the left of the page is my dailymile counter, and it shows my distance covered and pace, and total time, and even a few thoughts on the run. But so much more happens - there is so much more to that story. Anyone you see or talk to, or text, or email or Facebook, or Tweet at is, at their very core, a collection of stories and experiences from their day or week or year or lifetime.
So, run the race of discovery. Challenge yourself. Push yourself harder.
After all, we enter the season of Lent tomorrow; run that race of discovery...challenge yourself...push yourself.
It won't be easy, and things likely won't go as expected -
Nothing of value ever is or ever does.
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